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mat 2

This set of Engineering Materials Science "Multiple Select Questions & Answers" are based on “CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS



Multiple Select Questions (MSQ)

1) In terms of which of the following properties, metals are better than ceramics?

Correct Answer is " B", "C", "D"

Metals have greater ductility,density and electrical conductivity than ceramics. Stiffness of ceramics are comparable to metals.

2) Which of the following is/are not the property of polymer?

Correct Answer is "A", "C", "D"

Polymers have high molecular weight but they are generally ductile in nature. Polymer shows non-newtonian behaviour and they have very low electrical conductivities.

3) Example of ceramics are

Correct Answer is "A", "B", "C"

Alumina, Silica & Porcelain are ceramics but Kevlar (aromatic polyamide) is a polymer.

4) CFRP are used in

Correct Answer is "A", "B", "C", "D"

CFRP(Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer) is a composite which used in high-tech sporting equipment like bicycles, golf clubs, tennis rackets, skis etc.

5) Composite materials are

Correct Answer is "A", "D"

Density and Conductivity of metal is higher than ceramics and polymer.Strength and Stiffness of metals and ceramics are comparable and is higher than polymer.

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